Wednesday, 19 April 2017

The Guilt Of Murdering My Wife Is Hunting Me

Dear Eve,
I killed my wife two weeks ago now I feel guilty and get can't sleep at night because of this guilt and the fear that she might appear and kill me.
This problem started one year ago when I find out that she was having an affair with my younger brother  who was her friend before I married her infact I met her through my younger brother.When I came back for Christmas in 2015 she came to visit my brother at home.i fell in love with her immediately.When I asked my brother of their relationship he told me that she is just a co chorister in the church,next time she visited I approached her for a relationship and three months later I married her because I was madly in love with her but the kind of play she and my brother play around was unacceptable to me and I told her that.I was more surprised when my brother started visiting Abuja more than before.
He would call her even in the mid night for no reason as if that was not enough he took her to eatery without my consent.i confronted both of them but they denied having an affair.The pain was so much for me to bare so I decided to end everything so I started given her Ethylene glycol which I normally put in the smoothies I buy for her in my way back from work.She was diagnosed with kidney ailment when she took ill and she died after a while.
After her burial i have not been my self,I feel guilt and regret my actions.i wish she can come back.I feel like I should confess to my parents and her parents.Her mother called yesterday to check up on me and I feel very sorry for her.i'm afraid of what the court might hand down to me as a sentence if I should confess,what people will do to my family and how my parents might feel I am so confuse.
From Anonymous.

Dear Anonymous,
You were possessed with jealous and temperament which you failed to failed to build your marriage on trust,you failed to be matured and be a man in your marriage by asking yourself question before carrying out your evil act.Mr Anonymous did you even for once consider seeking for spiritual advice,parental advice before doing what you did.Now you are considering the sentence that you will face but you didn't consider this your wife's parents before doing what you did?Mr you didn't consider the pain her family will bear all through their lives because of their daughter's death and you went ahead to murder your innocent wife who did nothing to you.
You knew your brother was her friend before you married her,you didn't suspect them but after one year of marriage you feel they are now having an affair,Mr you acted like the devil his self.You allowed jealous take better part of you must do something.from what you said she was a friend to your brother to the extent of visiting him at home that shows that his calls to your late wife was base on the friendship they simply allowed the devil to use you to destroy your home
You must confess because even the bible said that he who coverth his sin will not prosper.For that lady's spirit to be at rest you must confess what you did to her.You must come clean my only when you have confessed that God can forgive you and have mercy on you.Though the court might be harsh in delivering sentence against you if the case should get to it but who knows what God can do if he pardons you.I urge you to confess quickly for there is no sin too great to be forgiven,When you confess only then can you make heaven and that is the only justice you can give to this innocent lady you killed.Goodluck

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