Sunday, 7 May 2017

My childhood experience of Domestic Violence In My Home Is The Reason Why I Don't Want To Get Married.

Dear Eve,
As a little boy up till my years as a teenager I always  witness my father brutalize my mother.I and my siblings grew up in our home where my father will leave the house for days and return home drunk after several days.The cries and shouts of our mother became the bell that wakes up every night.This was my experience as a child.My Father would complain of every little thing,he beats mother until she wouldn't be able to scream again.After one particular fight he had with mother the young men around our vicinity chained him and beat him mercilessly.A day never past without my mother have a bleeding face.
Now I'm a man of thirty-five,though I been involved with ladies in the past but I don't want to settle down,I'm afraid that my home might turn into the home I grew up in.The experience I had as a child scares me away from getting married.i don't even want to have kids infact am scared of raising a family because of level of domestic violence I experienced in my home as a child.What can I do in this issue.

Dear Theo,
To overcome this issue you need to understand that marriage is an institution ordained by God,it's a blessing that's why the bible said that he who finds a wife has found a good thing and obtained Favour from God.That is to say that not only that marriage is meant to be a blessing but also put you in a good relationship with God.
It's unfortunate that the marriage between your parents was opposite of good but that shouldn't make you conclude that yours will be like that.Infact I want you to know that the outcome of your marriage depends on you.your parents had a bad marriage that doesn't mean yours will be like that.Make a decision to be different from your father,be determined to be a good husband and a good father in your home and above all be at peace with God.
Erase the thought of your childhood experience from your mind,don't allow the past to define what your life should become.Whay you experienced had become a past which You should learn from it do not dwell in it.You haven't let go of your past which is too bad because it will keep on hurting you until you let go.Allow your heart to fall in love,build a home and prosper for that is the will of God for you.

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